…devoted to helping parents, families and caregivers of children to communicate and love each other more. We offer materials and programs that help everyone see themselves and their children as Shining Stars, even when they get exasperated and exhausted with each other!
If you are a parent, grandparent, or other caregiver and want to encourage a child to grow in speech, language or literacy development, the Reading and Speech Clinic can help.
We offer…
…online one-on-one therapy; and training/consultation for parents and caregivers who want to help their Shining Stars to:
People contact the Reading and Speech Clinic for many reasons…
You can begin today…
…by email through one of our free mini-assessments in Talking, Listening, Expressing, Reading, or Writing, and in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Each contains a few questions to assist you in identifying areas of possible need for attention.
If you are a parent, grandparent, or other caregiver and want to encourage a child to grow in speech, language or literacy development, the Reading and Speech Clinic can help. Let’s begin by email by signing up for a free mini-assessment. By participating, you will discover your child’s precious gems in the areas of Talking, Listening, Expressing, Reading, Writing, Mind, Body, and Spirit. You will find out which gems are currently shining in your child, and which ones might need a bit more polishing. Start